App Development

21st September 2017 2872 Views
App filming

Had a fun afternoon doing some filming for an app development called MyRecovery with one of the developers, Axel Sylvan

This is an exciting development for patients and surgeons which allows us to keep in touch regarding progress before and after your operation via a smartphone, tablet or computer. Patients can register to follow a knee or hip pathway depending on their operation, and receive a series of tips, video guidance, reminders, physiotherapy exercises and access information to aid their recovery after surgery. It also allows reports on the progress after surgery to be shared with your surgeon or therapist. This is a joint venture with Beyond Compliance, which is a monitoring process for new hip or knee products to the market. Success after surgery is not just about how many years a hip or knee lasts but more importantly to a patient or surgeon, how good the new joint feels, what activities it allows you to get back doing and whether or not you ultimatley forget you have had a replacement operation. 

Hopefully in the next few weeks, I'll be in a position to start offering this to patients at Spire Cardiff Hospital and if that proves successful we are hoping to get approval to use this in the NHS.

Check out the myrecovery website for more information